The services of an occupational therapist at the inMotion Network include the following:
- Funtional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)
- Cognitive Functional Capacity Evaluations (CFCE)
- Physical Job Demand Anaylsis (JDA)
- Worksite Ergonomics
- Personal Care / Homesite / ADL Assessment
- Pre-Employment Testing
- Percentage of Duties
- Progressive Goal Attainment (PGAP) / Activation Programs
- Administrative Bridging - Return to Work Program
inMotion NETWORK Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) consists of a 1 to 2 day assessment administered by an O.T. to determine an individual's ability to perform work activities. An FCE uses standardized and individualized assessment components to determine an individual's current level of function. The Roy Matheson FCE protocol is utilized and is highly defensible with reliable and valid results. This type of assessment is most often requested when an individual has been off work for an extended time frame and is experiencing difficulty returning to their job.
This type of FCE may be useful as an addditional component to a general FCE since the individual's cognitive function is assessed along with physical function. It is typically used when there has been long term depression or mild brain injury that may have impacted the individual's cognitive functioning in such situations a cognitive FCE can provide informtion that critical in employment planning.
- When there is a question of the workers ability and tolerance to perform the cognitive components of job duties.
- Post traumatic brain injury
- Clinical depression
- Neurological conditions
A Job Demands Analysis is an extensive evaluation process that examines and quantifies the physical demands required to perform a specific job or work task. The JDA is performed at the worksite and may include videotaping, observation and quantifying forces required to perform the job task. Often the information collected and reported can be utilized in pre-employment screening and job-specific RTW programs.
A JDA is usually conducted for an employer or an insurance company for use when an individual who performs the job is injured/off work/returning to work and is part of a rehabilitation or return to work plan.
- treatment team requires job info to set rehab goals and time frames
- treatment provider is asked by insurer or employer if the worker is able to do their job
- when info about job is needed to compare to FCE results
An analysis of your work station may be of great benefit to prevent or treat a current postural or repetetive injury. Ergonomics is the study of physical stresses incurred by our bodies due to habitual postures or repetetive movements. Often the worksite needs to be addressed in order to complete recovery and to avoid recurrance of the condition. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI (repetetive strain injury). inMotion NETWORK will come to your worksite and assess your specific workstation and make recommendations for change if necessary. Literature concerning proper computer terminal set-up is also available at the clinic.
When an injury, illness, or age related disability limits your ability to perform the everyday tasks that are important to you, then an occupational therapist can help to prevent, solve, or minimize the problems or barriers that interfere with your independence. Occupational therapists are skilled in evaluating the functional level of individuals through close examination of their physical abilities within their specific environments; home, work or recreationally.
Home site personal care assessments are suitable for seniors or those congnitively or physically challenged having difficulty performing their activities of daily living (ADL) in their home or community. This type of assessment is typically 1-2 hours and is conducted by an occupational therapist who is able to determine an individual’s ability to perform their activities of daily living (ADL) and make recommendations for changes including equipment prescription, and /or modifications to the home environment. Safety and independence are the primary considerations of the assessment.
- individual is expressing concern (or maybe defensive) regarding their ability to perform ADL tasks
- individual is reporting or there are suspicions of individual falling at home or in the community
- family is expressing concerns about individuals ability to be independent
Pre-employment testing is an adopted hiring practice to ensure potential candidates are suited and have the physical capabilities to comply with the physical demands of a specific work environment. Based on the site visit, customized screening tools and tests are developed specifically to the physical demands of work. Pre-employment testing procedures and work specific tasks will be identified and conducted when job hiring demands dictate.
Testing and screening can provide the following benefits to the employer:
- Minimizing poor hire decisions by selectively identifying those potential employees not capable of safely performing the demands of the work
- Physical screening measures will ensure workers are safe and capable of performing job duties
- Objective and non-discriminatory testing
- Reduces frequency of injury
- Reduces medical costs and time loss from work
For self employed individuals on MPI benefits. Combines a JDA and a functional assessment together to determine what components of the job and individual can preform. Typically done serially. Helps an individual transition back to their self employment incrementally and be paid in incremental decreases by MPI.
Progressive Goal Attainment Programs (PGAP) typically are a ten week program that addresses the risk factors for pain disability and is conducted with an individual who is approaching a RTW.
- individual is medically ready or close for RTW but indicates psychological and /or pain barriers
- can be applied in conjunction with reconditioning
- individual needs to build confidence for RTW
A specific, and intensive Return To Work (RTW) program that is recommended for an individual who is medically fit for a return to sedentary/adminstrative work, but multiple and/or secondary factors such (cognitive endurance, fatigue, anxiety, positional tolerances and ergonomics) which pose significant barriers to a successful RTW transition. This program is ideal for a medically fit individual who has been off for 3 months or more and expresses that they are not ready for the cognitive component of their job. Composed of 2 distinct phases which seamlessly bridge the RTW process.
- a preparation phase, which addresses identified barriers in a simulated work environment
- a transition phase, which provides the returning employees with onsite coaching and monitoring
This program will provide the individual with support, education and the opportunity to learn, practice and integrate new work behaviors during their transition to the workplace. Participation in this 2-part program will ensure a smooth RTW by assisting the individual to:
- re-establish work routines and structure
- develop work stamina/positional tolerances
- improve concentration, memory, and organization
- regain/improve work skills (such as keyboarding, computer use
- integrate new healthy physical and psychological behaviors into work activities