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Bracing & Splinting Services

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Bracing & Splinting Services Winnipeg-inMotion NETWORK

A supply of braces and splints are available for rental or sale to patients. Items stocked on site are commonly prescribed in injury management. Assessment and the need for bracing is determined by the physiotherapy staff and supplied by either Diamond Athletics or Innovative Medical Supplies. Bracing and splinting can be applied in both an acute injuries and chronic conditions.

Conditions Treated: Many orthopedic and neurological conditions require bracing and splinting to improve function. The list is extensive and may include common conditions including carpal tunnel, foot drop, mallet finger, arthritis, neuropathies, plantar fasciitis, patella femoral syndrome, diabetes, ligament tears, tendonitis, strains and scoliosis just to mention a few.

Custom Designed Braces: Soft or rigid customized appliances are available such as wrist splints for carpal tunnel syndrome, knee braces for ACL tears or arthritis, AFO splints for foot drop and back braces for scoliosis. Appliances can be customized for most orthopedic conditions through referral to Diamond Athletics or Innovative Medical Supplies.

Off the shelf Braces: Soft splints and braces are available to patients for common injuries and easily fitted.

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