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» Osteopathy


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Osteopathy is a non-invasive manual therapy that aims to help improve overall health by manipulating and strengthening the musculoskeletal framework. It does not concentrate on only one problem area but uses manual techniques to balance all the body systems, providing overall good health and wellbeing. 

Osteopathic providers will focus on non-medicinal and non-surgical avenues to enhance the body's ability to heal itself.  There are  two main practical techniques. One focused on restoring the “position” of the bones in relation to one another. The other restoring the “place” of the organs in relation to the major vessels and neural centers of the body's cavities. These two systems are known as osteo-articular adjustments and visceral normalization.

Osteopathy may help in treating the following concerns;  arthritisback pain, headaches, repetitive strain injuries, strains and sprains, digestive issues, and postural problems to list a few. Treatment can also assist with sleep cycles and the nervous, circulatory, visceral and lymphatic symptoms.

A medical referral for Osteopathic Services is NOT necessary to access treatment but may be necessary for payment depending on your insurance plan benefits.   We can offer direct billing to most insurance companies that offer assignments of benefits. As with any service please check with your plan to ensure coverage for treatment.  

Assessments are detailed one hour in length with follow-up treatment visits booked for 45 minutes.  During your examination, your Osteopathic Manual Practitioner may ask you to perform diagnostic movements and stretches so they can observe your posture and mobility.   This may involve assessing your posture, range of motion, and any areas of tenderness or pain.  It can provide valuable information about any imbalances or dysfunctions in the body, which the Osteopathic Manual Practitioner can address using manual techniques. They may also examine your joints using their hands.

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